Connect2SmallPorts' End of Implementation

[Translate to English:] Christopher Meyer (Hochschule Wismar) & Emil Arolski (Motus Foundation) (Quelle: Motus Foundation)
[Translate to English:] Nils Heine (INWL) (Quelle: Motus Foundation)
[Translate to English:] Andrius Sutnikas (Klaipeda Science & Technology Park) (Quelle: Motus Foundation)

On 14th & 15th of July, the project already held its Final Conference in Gdynia alongside Transport Week ’22. The first day was dedicated for presentations of our project partners on main achievements, such as the digital port auditing, capacity building measurements as well as port pilot implementation. In addition, our guest speaker Marcin Kaźmierski of HydroBIM company presented a digital twin solutions applicable in the maritime sector. Lastly, the latest version of the project’s Final Report was presented to the audience as well.

On the second day, an interactive workshop was organized with focus on the new initiative DigiTechPort – an Excellence Center for Digitalisation, Internationalisation and Transfer of Key Technologies in Small and Medium-Sized Ports. The establishment and development of DigiTechPort is a result of Connect2SmallPorts’ implementation and consequently next step for future development of our cooperation. Hence, the workshop as kick-off for the initiative focused on co-creation and design thinking methods to elaborate the understanding of smart and green port paradigm in realisitic scenarios for small and medium-sized ports. More than 20 experts actively contributed and participated in this workshop being led by invited coach Dr. Monika Klein.

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