Schnupperworkshop 2022

Four days, four topics -– The Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, offers all pupils aged 16 and over who are interested in studying the opportunity to deepen their own design skills with the 5-day taster workshop. In theoretical and practical courses, participants can get to know the basics of the design, architecture and interior design degree programmes and find out which degree programme suits them best. The opportunity to try out or prepare for a design degree at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences is given in individually supervised workshops over five days. A tour of the annual exhibition DIA'22 with project work and final theses from all degree programmes at the Faculty of Architecture and Design is also planned. The taster workshop is planned as a face-to-face workshop.

The contact person is Prof. Andrea Wippermann.
Participation is free of charge.
If you are interested, please register at:
Registration deadline: 31th May each year


Program taster workshop 2022

Faculty of Architecture and Design
House 7a, Orange Entrance
Phillipp-Müller-Strasse 14
23966 Wismar

//// Day 1
Sunday, 10.7.2022
11 a.m. until 6 p.m.

11 a.m.
House 7a, first floor, foyer

Guided tour through the annual exhibition DIA'22,
Presentation of selected projects
with Prof. Andrea Wippermann

Workshop "The photographic gaze
with Prof. Olaf Fippinger

17:00 h
Barbecue & Snack
with students with the student council IDA
On the lawn next to house 7

//// Day 2
Monday, 11.7.2022
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., workshops in two groups
12 p.m. to 1 p.m., lunch break, refectory

Illustration, Workshop I, Group A
with substitute professor Sophia Martineck

Nude drawing, Workshop II, Group B
with Prof. Stephan Schulz

//// Day 3
Tuesday, 12.7.2022
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., workshops in two groups
12 p.m. to 1 p.m., lunch break, refectory

Nude Drawing, Workshop II, Group A
with Prof. Stephan Schulz

Illustration, Workshop I, Group B
with substitute professor Sophia Martineck

//// Day 4 and Day 5
Wednesday, 13.7.2022
Thursday, 14.7.2022
9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Workshops
12 p.m. to 1 p.m., lunch break, cafeteria
1 p.m. to 4 p.m., workshops

Thursday after the workshops from 4:30 p.m.
Evaluation, summary and farewell
Each workshop will be taken in turn by the participants.

Workshop 1
Realization of a concrete design with sign enamel
with Prof. Andrea Wippermann
Jewelry workshop, house 7b,1st floor

Workshop 2
Production of an etching according to own design
with Dipl.-Des. Olaf Anders
Graphic workshop, house 7b,1st floor
or house 10, 1st floor

Workshop 3
Digital design of an object
with Dipl.-Des. Heidi Godemann
Computer pool, house 7b, 1st floor

Workshop 4
Designing and experiencing spaces
with Prof. Bettina Menzel
Foyer, house 7a, 1st floor

Status: 17.5.2022, subject to changes

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