
Wismar DIAlog: Norte + Artificial Intelligence

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Photo: Fabian Gröger, Norte, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, 2023
Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

Two topics, one event – In this Wismar DIAlog, the Communication Design and Media program presents itself with two topics at once. In the first part, the student editorial team Norte will present their latest issue on the topic of "value" and their editorial work under the title "Norte 7 – How does magazine work?

The second part will deal with the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a focus on AI-Mappe and AI-Pannel. Prof. Björn Kernspeckt had created a fictitious AI application for the artistic aptitude test in 2023 and submitted it to two of our study programs. He will report on this. Finally, in a conversation, possible implications of artificial intelligence on design and teaching will be discussed together with the audience. Prof. Maxi Berger, Prof. Oliver Hantke, Prof. Tom Hanke and Stephan Loewe of the Wismar agency Lachs von Achtern will be present. The discussion will be moderated by students Ronja Wagler and Jorge Schatz.

All interested parties are cordially invited. Admission is free.

The Wismar DIAlog was organized by Prof. Bettina Menzel.

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  • Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

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