Scholarships IIPhDW 2023

The Company Datadrivers is sponsoring three scholarships for conference participants who are going the present their research results at the Workshop.

Scholarship recipients will receive up to the cost of a full workshop registration. Travel costs and accommodation are not included. 

Datadrivers is an innovation-driven company and understands that exceptional approaches to solving our customers' problems arise from excellent know-how. We support science and research in the field of computer science and data engineering. We are therefore pleased to be a sponsor of the International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop 2023 (Datadrivers LinkedIn).

In order to apply for the scholarship you have to fulfill the following criteria

  • your paper is accepted for the IIPhDW 2023 workshop and
  • your reseach institute is located in a low GDP country. 

If you wish you apply please send your motivation letter together with your CV until March 12th, 2023 to the email address