3. International Gottlob Frege Conference

Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege was born in 1848 in the Hanseatic city of Wismar. In celebration of his 165th anniversary, the Gottlob Frege Centre of the University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design Wismar will host a conference at his birthplace.

The conference contributions centre on Gottlob Frege as a person, his scientific achievements and repercussions on contemporary philosophy, logics, and fundamental issues of mathematics. Contributions are allotted a time slot of at most 100 minutes, including discussion. Contributors may feel free to introduce a junior researcher who may present a rebuttal or a self-contained talk not exceeding 30 minutes within the same time slot.

At the beginning of the conference, on May 12th, the 27th Gottlob Frege Hike will be held in Wismar and its surrounding. Every attendant of the conference is welcome to participate in this event. After a short bus tour, participants will start the hike from different locations in Wismar's surrounding, making their way back to the city, the home of Frege. The guided classical hike course Bad Kleinen – Wismar is especially recommended since it will include some locations reminiscent of Frege.


12. - 15. May 2013


+49 3841-753-76 17