The sub-project at Wismar University of Applied Sciences is "Bacteria-CAM qualification and quantification of germ colonization/ long title: Development of analysis algorithms and simulation techniques for the qualification and quantification of germ colonization and for deepening the fundamental understanding of wound diagnostics through hyperspectral imaging under fluorescence excitation". Deals with the development of analysis algorithms and simulation techniques to qualify and quantify microbial colonization and to deepen the fundamental understanding of wound diagnostics by hyperspectral imaging under fluorescence excitation. Especially in chronic wounds, the reduction of the germ load plays an essential role. The goal is to further optimize wound care through new diagnostic measures. In addition to the development of algorithms, measurement technology and the construction of fluorescence phantoms are also part of the project.
Cooperation partners:
- University Medical Centre Greifswald, Dermatology, Prof. Dr med. Georg Daeschlein
- Karlsburg Hospital, Clinic for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Kerner
- INP Greifswald e.V., Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Weltmann