Small Ports as Gateways towards Integrated Sustainable European Transport Systems and Blue Growth by Smart Connectivity

Source: Wismar University of Applied Sciences

The project "Connect2SmallPorts" takes into account real existing and not artificial problems of Blue Growth and aims to improve the IT and infrastructure capacity of small ports in the South Baltic region.

The project "Connect2SmallPorts - South Baltic Small Ports as Gateways towards Integrated Sustainable European Transport System and Blue Growth by Smart Connectivity Solutions" takes into account real existing and not artificial Blue Growth problems and aims to improve the IT and infrastructure capacity of small ports in the South Baltic (SB) region.

The spread of digital transport technologies - blockchain and IoT - in South Baltic ports and their portfolios is very limited, not shared and not integrated across borders. The Seed Money knowledge base allows us to analyze a very different level and importance of digitalization in ports. The analysis of the ports of Wismar, Karlskrona and Klaipeda clearly underline the need to act to increase or maintain competitiveness. The Polish ports lag extremely behind in comparison. They are still following the classic infrastructure path without a clear vision and digitalization strategy. The uneven development of smart future transport must therefore be focused on.

The Connect2SmallPorts project aims to support the development of small and medium-sized ports in the SB region by helping them implement digital solutions to gain a competitive advantage. There are two types of digital technologies that the project focuses on Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain. IoT essentially connects elements (containers, port equipment) to an online network. Port authorities, shipping companies, and other interested partners could then track containers, vehicles, etc., and receive information from them. Blockchain enables paperless tracking of administration as contracts / decisions / notices are stored and archived, which is particularly useful in cross-border shipping business.

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