The project aims to develop parameters and quality characteristics for dynamic light, such as brightness, colour, light distribution and glare, that meet social needs for safety, visual identity and attractive urban areas. These parameters are to be applied to typical urban areas in order to adapt technical standards and rules to dynamic light, so that potentials that have been lying fallow so far can be used. The aim is to optimize the lighting design of public spaces with dynamic light while reducing the amount of light in favour of lower energy consumption and limited light pollution. This should help to combine the technical aspects of lighting with urban planning concerns in order to exploit the technological possibilities. "Dynamic Light" sees itself as a basis for the development of forward-looking, high-quality lighting solutions that are more controllable, expand visual recognisability, and improve the spatial impression and safety of urban environments in Europe. "Dynamic Light" has the task of anchoring the advantages of proactive, adaptive, i.e. Dynamic Lighting in the public consciousness and to show ways to implement it. In order to improve energy efficiency and lighting quality, the aim is to provide light in the future as needed, at the desired time, for the desired duration and for a specific target group. Fifteen partners from seven Central European countries are cooperating in the project to investigate and evaluate typical lighting situations in the participating European municipalities.
Team: Prof. Römhild, Peter Schmidt, Saurabh Sachdev and Rodica Ciudin