Project Basis
The Competence Center for Construction Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the Department of Civil Engineering at Wismar University of Applied Sciences are working together with the joint partners Zurow Bau GmbH and Fraunhofer IGP on the project "Retrofitting lifts with barrier-free access to all floors".
Existing Situation
Between 1958 and 1990, around 2.17 million housing units were built in the former GDR using block, strip and prefabricated construction methods. They still will characterize entire neighborhoods and housing complexes in East Germany today. But many buildings of a similar type were also erected in West Germany during the same period. Due the large number of these residential buildings, they represent a not insignificant part of the existing - but not barrier-free accessible - housing stock.
Aim of the Joint Project
The aim of the project is the development and optimization of a lift prototype that guarantees the requirements for barrier-free access to each floor. Compliance with the required cabin width and the door width is not possible due to the limited installation space in the existing staircase and requires special development. This in turn has implications for the given building envelope. Analyses of the existing buildings form the basis for the development of procedures for the structural upgrading of the stairwells. In this context, the protection of existing buildings plays an important role. This applies in particular to the areas of stability, fire protection and sound insulation. A novel technical solution for minimally invasive, gentle removal of wall material to reduce installation tolerances is to be developed. In this way, the space available for the lift can be increased. In addition, a modular system for the prefabricated staircase will be created. A high degree of prefabrication is aimed in order to ensure the economic production of this staircase.
The aim is to develop a new technical solution that on the one hand includes economic prefabrication and on the other hand takes the occurring dimensional tolerances into account. In the final step, a BIM-capable building model is to be developed for the staircase presented.
M. Eng. Robert Reisener, M. Eng. René Wengatz, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Hartmut Möller