The sub-project at Wismar University of Applied Sciences is concerned with the development of a new type of reference architecture that can be used to link building information systems and audio services and facilitate the use of navigation systems in public buildings. The approach is intended to enable the collaborative partner DEJ Technology GmbH to integrate its indoor navigation solutions cost-effectively into existing building systems.
The first task is to derive use scenarios and use cases for all public areas from the analysis and categorisation of the target and user groups. The user interfaces for navigation and programming interfaces for map transmission will then be designed from the developed scenarios and prototypically implemented in a navigation app.
After the examination of building-specific conditions and restrictions for the structural integration of the prototype, the derivation of installation plans, the implementation of further cabling, the configuration of transmitter hardware and the creation of digital building maps will follow. In this context, existing procedures and technologies for automated map creation will be investigated and their application for indoor navigation will be tested, taking into account the standards of "Building Information Modelling" (BIM). Technology for automated surveying makes it possible to record the spatial dimensions of the building of the test environment and to link them with navigation paths in order to then combine the recorded map data with user-relevant additional information in a geodatabase.
On the home stretch, current standards of building automation are to be compared with the circumstances of the integration of an indoor positioning system and proposals for the adaptation of existing standards are to be worked out on the basis of the developed reference architecture. In the final step, the prototype navigation system is integrated and installed in the test environment at Wismar University of Applied Sciences. Tests with the user groups conclude the sub-project of the joint project.