In the joint R&D project between Dr. Diestel GmbH Rostock and Wismar University of Applied Sciences, FG Automation Technology and Mechatronics, an innovative control and regulation module for pressure and volume control in clean rooms is to be designed and prototypically implemented. In addition to the development of the compact controller, its integration into the overall concept of buildings also plays a role, with a particular interest in energy efficiency. The aim is to create an open system based on open-source components in order to become independent of global players and at the same time to be able to offer customized and cost-optimized solutions on a modern BACnet/IP communication platform, even for small and medium-sized room constellations. By the end of the project, hardware and software modules should exist that allow the novel compact controller to be implemented in a complex clean room environment or AHU system in a cost- and energy-efficient manner. The controller will combine new communication technologies such as BACnet/IP with modern control algorithms.
Development of a Compact Controller and Simulator for HVAC Systems

Source: Wismar University of Applied Sciences
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