The aim of the KüSTE project is to develop digital and adaptive methods that can be used to secure and efficiently pass on experiential knowledge in companies. On the basis of selected company case study examples, new possibilities for the collection and demand-oriented provision of process knowledge will be developed. These will be fitted into an overall work science concept that takes into account the promotion of individual creativity, the decentralised execution of work as well as regional specifics and demographic features.
The methodological basis is the maximum network plan, an extension of the network plan technique developed at Wismar University of Applied Sciences. This makes it possible to digitise process knowledge, including weighted alternative actions, and thus make it numerically evaluable. Improvements detected during use are also recorded, so that knowledge is constantly updated. This methodology is being further developed within the framework of KüSTE and transferred into hardware - and software - based overall concept in such a way that it is suitable for use in the operational practice of medium-sized companies. The main focus of the implementation is on the individual needs of the employees, such as their different affinities for technology and previous experience, but also on promoting their creativity and motivation. In this way, the wealth of knowledge acquired over many years about products, processes, and technologies can be preserved in the companies and passed on to a wide variety of users in different situations.
The result is a modular system for documenting, updating, and passing on process knowledge in SMEs. The knowledge gained will also be offered to all interested companies and experts for use and continuation beyond the project; as an operational IT application by the software developers involved, in the form of further training by the SME network CIM and as publications in relevant trade journals by the universities involved.