The Mediterranean regions are already confronted with considerable water scarcity. Tourism in the summer months puts a strain on the limited water resources to the detriment of local agriculture. Steady population growth, changing consumption patterns, and climate change also have a serious impact on the availability of fresh water. With regard to agriculture, the focus is on efficient and sustainable irrigation technologies with low water consumption that can be used by small farmers, among others. To this end, solutions must be developed for systems that are as simple, compact and cost-effective as possible.
The overall objective of MED-WET is to introduce effective agricultural irrigation systems especially for small farmers in the Mediterranean region. The scarce water resources are to be used optimally and in an environmentally sound manner in order to secure food and water supplies in the long term. Much of the water intended for conventional irrigation seeps away or evaporates and is thus unusable. More efficient water use is to be achieved through more targeted and greatly reduced water consumption. Innovative irrigation systems are used for this purpose, thanks to which largely unused, non-conventional water resources can be tapped. Smallholders are supported in introducing sustainable and cost-effective irrigation practices and strategies and in obtaining fresh water. The ecosystems are to be restored in the long term and contribute to more value creation in rural areas.
Project Coordinator Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Dr. Jelena Zascerinska
Project Partners:
- Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, Egypt
- Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology / EcoGozo Directorate, Ministry for Gozo, Malta
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Maroc / Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco
- University of Beira Interior / Municipality of Fundão, Portugal