Nanostructured Plastics and Surfaces for Innovative Medical Technology Products

Source: Wismar University of Applied Sciences

The subject of "Nano4med: Nanostructured plastics and surfaces for innovative medical technology products and safe processes for their production in this field" is the production and shaping of compounds.

Great demands are placed on the surfaces of implants. A decisive criterion is an adhesive strength. Strategies for this include the deposition of ultra-thin layer systems with alternating elastic properties. At the same time, the nanoscale modification should specifically increase biocompatibility. Plastics engineering and thin-film technologies are a proven research focus at Wismar University of Applied Sciences. The Nano4med project addresses a topic that is of great importance for innovations in medical technology and at the same time poses new challenges for manufacturing processes and quality assurance. New materials and high reliability in the production of medical implants are of great importance to health policy. The project is being worked on together with colleagues Prof. Harald Hansmann and the Institute for Polymer Technology (IPT, AnInstitut of Wismar University of Applied Sciences). The use of nano-scale additives in plastics enables novel application-oriented properties. Two cooperative doctorates are currently being pursued in the project, one in the field of plastics technology, supervised by colleague Hansmann, and one in the field of thin-film technology. The network in the project consists of 4 companies that manufacture medical products, a consulting company for quality assurance and 3 partners at the University of Rostock, one of which is a clinical partner.

Cooperation Partners:        
Rowemed, Cortronik, HNP, Materion, Ingenieurbüro Dr. Diertrich,
University of Rostock, Chair of Materials for Medical Technology,
Institute for Biomedical Technology (IBMT),
University Medicine of the University of Rostock, Orthopaedic Clinic

The doctoral thesis of the researcher Stefan Nißen at the University of Rostock, defence 06.12.2018, was completed with "summa cum laude".


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