Degree Courses taught in English/Russian

Architecture, Master
The Master Degree Course Architecture is designed to deepen the skills acquired in the Bachelor’s degree course and to set a focus for individual professional aptitudes. It has a modular organization and is project-oriented. The Course in is very internationally focused, the lectures are offered in German as well as in English language.
To be considered for admission, a candidate must submit proof of the following qualifications
- Official, certified copy of original Bachelor Degree Certificate in the field of architecture, including a transcript of records of all semesters together with its certified translation into English or German. The grade point average must be at least 2,3 or better on the German scale.
- Motivation letter, CV and a portfolio of previous work
- Proof of sufficient command of German language (not necessary, only for study in German language) or proof of sufficient command of English knowledge (TOEFL 550 or IELTS
6.0 certificates)
Admissions to this degree course are carried out by means of a selection procedure. This is based on a written application to be enclosed with the application for admission. Application deadline is 15th January for the summer term and 15th July for the winter term.

Architectural Lighting Design, Master
Graduates holding a Bachelor of Arts degree, or a traditional German degree in engineering from a university of applied sciences or university (Diplom Ing. (FH) or Diplom Ing. respectively) in architecture, interior design or a related degree course of a national or international university. Students must demonstrate their command of the English language by means of an appropriate certificate (e.g. TOEFL) as the course is predominantly held in English.
Admissions to this degree course are carried out by means of a selection procedure. This is based on a written application to be enclosed with the application for admission. Applicants may be invited to attend an interview as part of this selection procedure. Closing date for application: 1st May of the current year.

German and International Commercial Law, Master
- First professional degree in a Bachelor's degree programme or a degree programme with at least comparable qualification in the subject of law or a subject of business law from a national or international higher education institution with at least 210 credit points.
- Applicants with a degree totalling 180 credit points shall have completed the first semester of a Master's degree programme or a degree programme with a comparable qualification at the partner university with 30 credit points, provided that evidence of the corresponding study and examination achievements is submitted.
- Knowledge of the English language must be proven
Details on admission can be found in the corresponding regulations.

Information and Electrical Engineering, Master
To be considered for admission to the Master’s programme in Information and Electrical Engineering, a candidate must submit proof of the following qualifications:
- academic degree (Bachelor, Master, Diploma) in a related field of study obtained from a national or international university
- first academic degree with at least 210 credit points (applicants with an academic degree totalling 180 credit points may obtain the residual 30 credit points by applying for an individual study plan which has to be confirmed by the examination board)
- a sufficient and proven command of English (at least 70 points in the internet-based TOEFL test or the equivalent of 5.5 in the IETS)

Maritime Logistics/Port Management online, Bachelor, Distance study
Admission to the online Maritime Logistics and Port Management bachelor’s degree course requires the following:
A university entrance qualification, which can be
› Direct access
- Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
- Cambridge Pre-U
- General Certificate of Education - Advanced Level / Advanced Subsidiary Level
- International Advanced Level
- Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC)
› Competence in English. Applicants whose native language is not English have to demonstrate, through appropriate documentation, that they can complete this course. For example: a TOEFL test with minimum certification of level B2.

International Management, Master
To be considered for admission to the Master’s programme in International Management, a candidate must submit proof of the following qualifications;
•a sufficient and proven command of English (at least 80 points in the internet-based TOEFL test or the equivalent of 6.0 in the IETS),
•a recognised Bachelor’s degree (not a post-graduate qualification) in business administration or engineering, and
a final average mark in the Bachelor’s degree awarded equivalent to at least 2,0 on the German scale and 210 European Credit Transfer Points (ECTS).
A candidate without this mark or number of ECTS must prove special suitability by a combination of various criteria.
In addition, candidates from outside the European Union must take in English and submit a TestAS test for Economics result, or the APS substitute test where appropriate.

Lighting Design, Master, Distance Study
The professional Master in Architectural Lighting and Design Management is a further education programme. To be admitted into our programme you need to meet the following requirements:
- academic degree (Bachelor, Master, Diploma) in a related field of study (architecture, interior design, design or electrical engineering) obtained from a national or international university, and
- at least one year of professional work experience within the related field after completing your first academic degree
If the first academic degree is not related to the field of study, the approval to study can only be given with proof of professional work experience.
Please contact us to discuss the admission requirements related to your personal situation in detail.

Marine Engineering, bi-national German-Indonesian Bachelor course, Bachelor, dual
Students of the Bachelor’s degree course “Marine Engineering” are enrolled at the University of Wismar and at the Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in
Surabaya, Indonesia. The teaching sessions are held at the ITS. Graduates of the course will be awarded the degree “Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)”.
Admission requirements:
The admission requirements in accordance with Articles 17 to 19 of Landeshochschulgesetz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Regional University Act) must be fulfilled in order to be admitted to the course:
- Higher education entrance qualification for universities and universities of applied sciences or
- verification of another qualification acknowledged as being equivalent in the Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern or
- passing an entrance examination after completing a period of vocational training, followed by at least three years of working in the profession
- passing an entrance examination after completing at least five years of working in the profession (for applicants without a higher education entrance qualification for universities and universities of applied sciences) or
- passing an examination to complete an advanced training course to become a master craftsman/craftswoman in accordance with Berufsbildungsgesetz (German Vocational Training Act) or Handwerksordnung (German Skilled Trades Regulation Act), as amended from time to time, in a subject area appropriate to the intended course of study.
In addition, the admission requirements in accordance with the Indonesian Universities Act must be met. Credits from periods of study, course achievements and examinations can be transferred. The Board of Examiners will decide on the possibility of the transfer of such credits on a case-to-case basis.

Marine Engineering, Bi-national German-Indonesian Master-Course
- First academic degree in marine engineering or a comparable study course at a national or international university
- The overall grade of the certificate confirming this degree must be at least 2.5 for comparable grade systems or a GPA of 3.75/5.0 for non-comparable grade systems
- A relevant professional practice can improve the overall grade in such a way that an improvement by 0.1 is possible for each completed professional year, but not more than 4 years
- If the overall grade is 3.0 or worse, there is no approval in according to the decision of the examination board