FAQs Exams

How can I download my exams extract (overview of marks)?

For students who have already been transitioned to the new campus management system HiO, performance summaries are available here.
Log in with your user name and password. In the menu item "My studies", go to "Study services". Here you will find all available certificates.

Students who are not yet in the new campus management system can find the performance overviews at LSF-Study-Portal.
Log in there with your user name and password. Click on "Exam administration" and then on "Exam certificates (performance overview - pdf for printing)". There you have different grade overviews to choose from, e.g. with additional texts or only for passed exams.

You can also download your study certificate as a PDF file here. You can also get the certificates at the Servicepoint. Study certificates from previous semesters are subject to a fee, so print out a certificate in reserve in the current semester as well.

Do I have to register for examinations?

Yes. You must register for all exams you wish to write during the semester. If you do not register, you will not be allowed to write the exam. You can only register for exams within the exam registration period. This is announced by the university (e.g. via news on the homepage or as an e-mail to your university e-mail address).

Most students do their registration online at HiO-Portal.

There are only a few exceptions:
Students in some degree programs please register for exams at LSF-Study-Portal.

Students in the program "Communication Design and Media (Diploma)" as well as Design (Diploma) can register online at LSF during their undergraduate studies. In the main studies, however, the registration is done via the corresponding forms (house 1 room 150).

Can I improve my grade?

You can retake already passed exams to improve the grade if you passed them with your free attempt (granted the exam regulations for your study programme allow a free attempt). You can only improve exams passed in the free attempt. Exams passed in the regular first attempt cannot be improved/retaken. You have to retake the exam in the next semester. Whatever grade is the better one, will be the one counted into your overall grade. That means if your attempt to improve actually turns out with a grade worse than the original one, the attempt for improvement will not be counted. 

I want to deregister for examinations. How do I do that?

For exam deregistration, you must pay particular attention to the time of deregistration:

  • all students who are in the campus management system HiO: online deregistration possible up to 1 day before the examination
  • all students who are in the campus management system LSF-Study-Portal 
    Up to 1day before the start of the exam period: you can deregister from the exam online.
    Up to 1 day before the examination date: Fill out the form Rücktritt von der Prüfung (without giving a reason) and drop it in the mailbox of the Service Point. The completed form must be at the Service Point no later than 1 day before the exam date. (Unfortunately the form is only available in German. If you need any help please don’t hesitate to contact us.)

Later withdrawal: In case of illness, please use the form "Formular für den Krankheitsnachweis (Ärtliches Attest)". For all other reasons, complete the Withdrawal from Examination form. You must provide a reason why you cannot attend the exam. This reason must not be your own fault. The examination board will review the request and decide whether a valid reason is recognized.

I’m sick at the exam date. What should I do?

If you cannot write an exam because you are ill, you need a medical certificate. You fill in the upper part of the Form for the Illness Proof (Medical Certificate) for an Exam to the Presentation in the Examination Office.

On the back, you enter which exams you cannot write. With this you will go to a doctor in your area. The doctor will then fill out the designated part of the form.

The medical certificate must contain a description of the health impairment (e.g. reference to certain pains) and also indicate the resulting impediment in the examination (e.g. disturbance of the ability to concentrate). In it, he or she explains why you cannot take the exam. With this medical certificate you automatically release the doctor from the medical confidentiality obligation. The doctor cannot invoke medical confidentiality.

It is very important that you drop the original certificate in the mailbox of the Service Point on the same day or the next day at the latest, or have a friend drop it off. Alternatively, you can send it by email to servicepoint@hs-wismar.de. If the attestation is submitted too late, contains errors in the description of the pathological impairments or compliance with the prescribed form, it is possible that it will not be recognized. This would mean that the exam would be considered taken and not passed.

The examination committee will make a decision on the inability to take the examination based on the facts presented.

If you request an extension of the processing time of your thesis, an informal application and a justification, e.g. a medical certificate, must be submitted.

If the problem is a serious or prolonged illness, it is possible to apply for a withdrawal. In this case, an informal application and a medical certificate must be submitted. You can reach the medical officer during the examination period at the following telephone numbers:

Wismar: Tel.: 03841 3040 5301

Rostock: Tel.: 0381 381 5367

What do I do if I fail an exam?

Depending on the circumstances, there are different things you can do:

a) Free attempt

If your examination regulation allows for free attempts and you took the exam on the intended date and within the intended semester for the specific exam, that exam will be considered not taken. You will have to reregister for the exam in the next semester and retake in the next exam period. 

b) First attempt

You have to retake the exam within the next two semesters (in part time study programs it’s 3 semesters). Important: You have to reregister for the exam again.

c) Second attempt (regular)

If your examination regulation allows for a regular second attempt, you will have the same deadlines as for the first attempt: within two semesters (full-time) or 3 semesters (part-time). Again, you will have to reregister for the exam. 

d) 2nd Resit attempt (exception)

If your examination regulation allows for a 2nd resit as an exception, you will have to apply for it in due time. Here are the steps to follow to apply for a 2nd resit:

1. Fill in the application form [link]

2. Hand in the application form before the next exam period begins.

e) Last attempt (definitively failed)

Visit the Servicepoint or contact the advice centre of the Agentur für Arbeit.  The Agentur für Arbeit offers support for your future occupation, even without a degree. 

Contact: phone: 0800 4 5555 00 (no fees) email: Schwerin.berufsberatung@arbeitsagentur.de

Or you can have a look at this site: www.kompass-mv.de/ 

I want to write my master thesis. What do I have to do?

First of all, you independently look for a topic and a supervisor for your thesis (e.g. a professor). This person is the first examiner. You can choose another teacher or a company supervisor as a second examiner if you are writing your thesis in a company, for example. However, the company supervisor must have at least a degree that corresponds to the degree you are aiming for with your thesis. This means that if you are writing your Bachelor's thesis, your company supervisor must have at least a Bachelor's degree. If you are writing a master's thesis, your supervisor must have at least a master's degree.

For admission, you must provide proof of a minimum number of credits. This varies depending on the course of study. The exact details can be found in the examination regulations for your degree program. (Unfortunately it’s only available in German. If you need any help please don’t hesitate to contact us.)

If you have a topic and a first and second examiner, you must submit an application for admission to the thesis, "Antrag auf Zulassung zur Abschlussarbeit".

You can also find the forms in house 1 at the service point (room 150). Fill out the application and take it to your first supervisor and have him/her sign it. Then drop the application in the mailbox of the Servicepoint.

You will receive a letter from the university informing you whether you have been accepted for the thesis. You must submit your thesis to the Service Point no later than the deadline. However, you can also submit it earlier. If you are unable to complete your thesis on time, you can submit an informal request for a one-time extension of the processing time. However, you should have a good reason why you could not finish the work in time. There is no specific form for this, that is why it is called an informal request. You simply follow the DIN 5008 standard for letters. You can find templates for this on the Internet. You can also send us an email with the reasons why you need an extension. You must submit this application in good time before the deadline. The examination board will then decide whether your processing time will be extended.

I need a non-disclosure note. What is it and how do I get it?

The essence of academic work is to advance the knowledge of the expert community, i.e. to make findings obtained accessible to the interested public. As such, a non-disclosure note should only be applied for in justifiable exceptional cases, for example if sensitive data relating to a firm or company have been used that are not be made public.

Requirements and process:

  1. Provide proof of the sensitive data used

If your thesis contains sensitive data relating to a firm or company, you need a written confirmation of this from said firm or company. This proof of sensitive data must be have the seal and signature of said firm or company to verify. 

  1. Apply for the non-disclosure note

You apply for it at the Servicepoint. Your application must be written and contain specific details about what sensitive data is related to the firm/company. You apply either after finishing your thesis or in exceptional cases before starting to work on your thesis. 

  1. Approval by the examination committee

The non-disclosure not can only be added to the thesis, once the examination committee has checked your application and gave their approval. 

What is a declaration of independent work?

When submitting a home assignment, seminar work or a bachelor, diplom or master thesis (or a comparable paper), you have to provide a written assurance that you completed the work independently and that you have used nothing other than the sources and aids referenced and that the work has not been submitted in any other testing procedure. The declaration has to be attached to the work.

1. Incorporate declaration

The declaration has to be incorporated into the paper/thesis, ideally at the start or the end. 

2. Specification for digital media

If you have to submit an electronic storage device (e.g. USB-Stick, CD) in addition to your work, you have to provide a written assurance that the submitted written work corresponds to the electronic version. For your thesis, you won’t have to submit a storage device as you submit the thesis digitally via StudIP. 

3. Wording the declaration

You can orientate your wording on this example:

Declaration of Independent Work

I hereby declare that I completed this work independently and that I have used no aids
other than those referenced.
The parts of the work, which include phrases or points taken from other sources, are
clearly marked with the origin of the information. This also applies to diagrams,
sketches, visual representations as well as for sources from the Internet.
I also declare that I have not submitted this work in any other testing procedure as an
examination paper, nor will I in the future.
The submitted written work corresponds to the electronic version. I agree that an
electronic copy may be made and stored to enable verification by anti-plagiarismsoftware.

Wismar, xx.xx.xxxx                      Example
Place, date                              Signature

How can I get grades accredited that I got at a different university/study programme?

If you would like to have grades accredited, please follow these steps:


Fill in the application form and hand in the application at the Servicepoint

2. Reviewing the application

The module coordinator checks if the competences attained by the submitted exam achievements correspond with the requirements of the module you wish to have the grade accredited to. After the module coordinator reviews your application, the examination committee decides your application. 

3. Information about the decision

The examination office will inform you about the decision made. If the decision was positive, the grade will be accredited and it will be visible on your transcript of records.