Closing date for applications
Please take into account the long processing times involved in applying for a visa. Therefore, it is advisable to submit your documents three months before the regular closing date for applications.
Studienkolleg - Foundation Courses
- 30.06. of each year for the winter term
- 30.11. of each year for the summer term
Only applicants currently residing in the Federal Republic of Germany and who are in possession of a valid visa entitling them to stay in Germany, can also be admitted after the above-mentioned closing dates for applications.
International Class
- 15th June for the winter term
- 30th November for the summer term
Bachelor's & Master's Degree Programmes
- Closing date for applications, winter term: 15th July of each year
- Closing date for applications, summer term: 15th January of each year
- Closing date for applications for the degree course MA Architectural Lighting Design: 1st May of each year
For full-time students, initial enrolments are only possible prior to the winter term.
The course of study can be joined in a higher term prior to both the summer and winter terms.
Contact us
International Office Coordination Student Exchange/Incoming
- Narangerel TsendbaatarDipl.-Wirtsch.jur. (FH)Building 1 · Room 118a