Personal Storage (nur FIW)

A drive for personal data (Windows drive U:) is available for employees and students of the FIW faculty. The drive has an initial capacity of 10 GB for employees and 2 GB for students. The storage space can be increased if required.

Advantages when using the drive:

  •     Automatic monitored backup
  •     hourly snapshots of the data
  •     the drive is also available externally (VPN or Horizon View)

How can I access my personal storage?

If your computer is already connected to the domain, the drive will be created automatically when you log in for the first time and will then be automatically connected as drive U:. You can then use it like a normal Windows drive.

If your computer is not joined to the domain, you have to mount the drive manually once. To do this, please open your workstation and enter the following address in the address bar:


\\\Employee drives\User name


\\\Student drives\username

Please identify yourself with your university account with the preceding domain name (HSW):

User: e.g. HSW\xxxxx

Only FIW
