A new professor for concrete

Der Professor steht vor einem Schrank, der wie ein großer Ofen aussieht. Er hält ein Blech in der Hand, das einem Backblech ähnlich sieht, und schiebt es in den Schrank.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julian Hümme im Frischbetonlabor des Bereiches Bauingenieurwesen im Haus 6.
Quelle: Hochschule Wismar/KB

He will be teaching "Building Materials and Concrete Technology" at the Department of Civil Engineering from the start of the 2025 summer semester.

After studying civil engineering at Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), Julian Hümme worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Building Materials at LUH until 2018. At that time, his research focussed on concrete fatigue and fatigue design of high-performance concretes under maritime environmental conditions, e.g. for offshore wind turbines. After successfully completing his doctorate in 2018, Prof Hümme worked for five years in an engineering office for structural and concrete maintenance, building material technology, structural/damage diagnostics and quality assurance. During this time, he was appointed as an AwSV expert and became a lecturer at a training centre for the construction industry. At the beginning of 2023, Prof. Hümme moved to the new construction department of a steel company in Lower Saxony and shortly afterwards founded his own engineering office with a focus on the new construction and maintenance of concrete structures. Since 2024, Prof Hümme has been a publicly appointed and sworn expert for concrete damage and maintenance of concrete structures and an expert planner for the maintenance of concrete components.

The 40-year-old wants to organise his apprenticeship with a practical focus. In addition to the fundamentals of building materials, he will focus on the maintenance of buildings, the careful use of raw materials and energy as well as climate and water protection.

In the area of research, Prof Hümme would like to focus on resource-efficient concretes, the use of alternative binding agents and recycled materials as well as the maintenance of concrete structures.

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