On 31th January 2023, the Faculty of Architecture and Design had already surprised the professor from the architecture course with an internal farewell event in a small circle.
Professor Gaube would like to use the symposium "Green Space in the City and Minimalist Living" on Saturday, 8th July 2023, from 2 p.m., to say goodbye to her colleagues and external colleagues and to thank them for their time together. At this time, from 7th to 9th July, the traditional annual exhibition DIA'23 of the Faculty of Architecture and Design will take place. While those interested in the annual exhibition are cordially invited without registration, registration is required for the symposium.
"I was surprised that the chancellor of our university welcomed me as the first professor at the Wismar location," Professor Gaube recalls of her appointment in January 1998. She has accompanied the development into today's Faculty of Architecture and Design from the move to House 7 in 2000 to the merger of the departments of architecture and design into one faculty in 2007 until today. In addition, Prof. Andrea Gaube developed the Master's distance learning programme "Integrative StadtLand-Entwicklung" (Integrative Urban-Rural Development), which is offered at WINGS - Wismar International Graduation Services GmbH - the wholly-owned subsidiary of Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences. Andrea Gaube was the Equal Opportunities Officer at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, from 1st September 2011 to 1st September 2017.
Prof. Gaube plans to continue developing her research project "Garden of Metropolises" after her retirement.