Digital Pilot for Seaport of Stralsund finalized

[Translate to English:] Quelle: EPC
[Translate to English:] Geräusch- (oben) und Feinstaubsensor (unten)
[Translate to English:] Quelle: EPC
[Translate to English:] Geräuschsensor während der Kalibrierung
[Translate to English:] Quelle: EPC

On 12.07.2022 the installation of a Digital Monitoring System in the seaport of Stralsund was completed. The development, planning and installation as well as the ongoing test phase was already initiated at the end of 2021 in the project Connect2SmallPorts - partly financed by the INTERREG South Baltic 2014 - 2020 program - and is based on close cooperation between the Seaport of Stralsund, the European Project Center of the University of Wismar and COCUS AG. Yesterday, the system was handed over and finally calibrated by Ammon Sillah (COCUS AG) and Christopher Meyer (Project Manager Connect2SmallPorts) and Sören Jurrat (Managing Director Seaport Stralsund).

The monitoring system basically consists of two main components: Fine dust and noise measurements. The LoRaWan (Long Range Wide Area Network) radio technology used for this purpose not only provides the necessary stable signal strength, but can also be expanded in the future to include additional sensor technology, giving the seaport corresponding flexibility in the design of the measurements. The currently installed equipment for fine dust and noise measurements is an important contribution to monitor the processes taking place and the possible impact on the environment and port employees more closely. This is indispensable for a seaport close to the city in order to be able to better assess its impact on surrounding areas, as well as to provide evidence that national and European guidelines are being complied with in this regard. 

A first (scientific) evaluation of the data will be carried out in the third quarter together with the European Project Center in order to draw conclusions on port processes as well as to evaluate extensions of the system in the context of new projects. 


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