Tea warmer
A wood construction project

Required material
- Piece of wood (min. 5 cm high and 15 cm wide)
- Tea candle
Devices used
- Chisel
- Wood cutter
- Rulers
- Circle driller
- Knife
- Wood turner (Lathe)
Brought to you by: Ayodeji
Drinking tea is an indispensable part of the Advent season. It warms both the stomach and the heart. To always keep the right temperature, a tea warmer is a great gadget. You can easily build one your own.
First step is to consider what you want your tea warmer to look like. As form should always follow function, I decide to give mine a cylindric shape with cut-outs for proper ventilation and a round recess inside that will hold the tea light.

I cut the wood to a piece of 5cm height and 15cm width. Then I use the wood turner (lathe) to turn it into a round object. This process takes time and precision so as not to make mistakes. Afterwards the wood is reduced to a diameter of 12mm. I smoothen the surfaces with sandpaper.
The next step is creating a circular recess in which the candle can be placed. For this I use a circle driller with a diameter of 6cm. Use the wood turner (lathe) again, if you want to add a pattern to the outside. The cut-outs for ventilation can be done with a chisel and knife. Last but not least smoothen all rough edges with sandpaper.
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