
Competences for a world full of interpersonal diversity.
Intercultural competence is becoming increasingly important in a globally networked world. We offer our students numerous opportunities to gain intercultural experience. We organise semesters abroad and internships in many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. In cooperation with the Language Centre, locals and internationals can learn from each other in so-called buddy tandems.

Services for our students



Arrive well in Germany – and learn more about other cultures: this is what the exchange between German and international students in our BuddyTandems (supported by the university's Language Centre) is about.

Stay abroad

Stay abroad

Whether it's a semester abroad at the Namibian University of Science and Technology, an internship in India or a four-week stay in the Ecuadorian Amazon – we connect students and our partners.

Es ist eine Grafik zu sehen, auf der eine Studentin auf einem Bleistift kaut.

Counselling for study doubts

We also support international students with counselling and suggestions for solutions in case of psychological stress such as time and performance pressure as well as financial worries and fears about the future.

Services for our international partners
