INTERMARE South Baltic project welcomed in Gdansk

Copyright: Gdansk International Fair (LP)

INTERMARE South Baltic Kick Off Meeting took place at the premises of the Lead Partner – Gdansk International Fair located in the Amber Expo Exhibition Centre in Gdansk on 12-13 September 2017. Next to the Kick Off Meeting project partners were granted an opportunity to visit the BALTEXPO 2017, exhibition that gathered maritime companies and stakeholders across Europe.

INTERMARE South Balticis an Interreg South Baltic Programme project undertaken to support the maritime economy in the whole region of the South Baltic through a network of companies and stakeholders joined under the common brand INTERMARE South Baltic, easily recognised in the region and in other European and global markets.

The goal of the project is the creation of a network of companies and also stakeholders (clusters, employer’s organisations, regional and local authorities, etc.) for a greater recognition of SMEs from the SB region on international markets as well as better cooperation in the supply chains within the region. The INTERMARE South Baltic project will create and implement a number of measures to integrate the actors of the SB region.

More information about the project will be available soon on the project website INTERMARE South Baltic.

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