Survey on LNG Value Chain Integration in the Baltic Sea Region

GO LNG project is pleased to launch the Survey on LNG VALUE CHAIN INTEGRATION IN THE BALTIC SEA REGION. This survey acts as a direct link towards Mapping LNG Users & Stakeholders Needs and Projecting Future LNG Development Perspectives in the Region.

The survey was launched by the WP3 – Integrated Value Chain – leader Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design.

The survey results will be examined, evaluated and presented to the GO LNG project stakeholders and followers in the upcoming project events. The report will showcase principal needs, challenges, opportunities and potential future directions related to LNG development and LNG business models. All participants will be provided with the evaluation report on the LNG Value Chain Integration in the Baltic Sea Region.

The survey can be accessible under the link: Go LNG Survey

The Survey running time is 06.09.2017 – 01.11.2017  

More about the project: Go LNG Project Website


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