The project aims to increase expertise, knowledge transfer and cooperation with companies through the interdisciplinary networking of the tech, art and business sectors. In particular, the approaches, competences and skills of the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are to be used for the development of new value creation paradigms in various sectors. Collaboration is crucial to achieve common goals and enable European regions to effectively address regional and sectoral challenges together. The aim of the T.A.B project is to create international, cross-sector platforms in order to establish transnational co-operation relationships between regional and national economic and cultural sectors.
The approaches, competences and skills of the creative and cultural industries (CCI) are fundamental to the development of new value paradigms in various sectors. These effects can already be seen in the way companies communicate. New forms of aesthetics, web presence and storytelling campaigns are important applications that the creative world can contribute.
Innovation Hubs for Tech, Art and Business

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